Click the title above to sign up!
We do the work - You earn the perks! Earn 30% of sales and a pass to shop early. A VIP Processor preps and enters all of your items for you!
(The VIP Consignor request deadline is three weeks before Consignor Check-In, unless our VIP slots are all full. All items must be received two weeks before Consignor Check-In.)
Click the title above to view and download!
Use this link to have your barcodes mailed right to your home! Complete this form and your barcodes will be mailed straight to you for only $4!
Requests to have your barcodes mailed must be made by midnight on Feb. 18th. Barcodes will not be mailed after this date.
Murrieta, Menifee &Temecula Locations. Fill out the link to request pick up of your barcodes. Barcodes will be placed out for porch pick up the following day. You can come any time to pick them up. String Tags and Safety pins also available for purchase at these locations.
No more waiting in line! Choose your appointment time. Appointments required.
To participate in this service your items must be pre-labeled. We charge a convenience $20 fee for our Rhea Lana’s Team to put your items out on the sales floor for you saving you time! Click the link for more details.
We send Consignors helpful, detailed emails, so be sure and check your junk/spam folders. And, we are now offering straight-to-your-phone text reminders! Sign up to receive the following Consignor reminders via Text Message: Consignor Deadline Check-In Days Restock Pre-Sale Shopping Payday